Prosser Creek Reservoir – Quiet Use

Eco Truckee Tahoe NewsEco Truckee Tahoe News

Dry Prosser Reservoir Valley 2014

Dry Prosser Creek Reservoir Valley 2014

Prosser Creek Reservoir, a beautiful area used by many Truckee residents and visitors for walking, running, hiking, fishing, kayaking, horseback riding and other forms of quiet recreation, has become a flight path for business jets and jet air taxis on approach to the Truckee airport. Noisy business jets are also flying low over Prosser Creek while taking off from the Truckee airport. In peak summer months on weekend afternoons, it can be several jets flying over the area per hour. Our volunteer observed four jets in two hours over Prosser Creek Reservoir on one Friday afternoon in October.

Travel by a small number of individuals who use business jets and jet taxis is one of the ecologically most damaging and wasteful forms of transportation. Carbon footprint is enormous per person compared to a single commercial airliner which can bring up to 200 passengers going to the Truckee Tahoe area as tourists by flying to Reno, only about 45 minutes away.

Dry Bed of Prosser Creek Reservoir 2014

Dry Bed of Prosser Creek Reservoir 2014

The number of business jets and jet taxis using the Truckee airport has increased substantially over the past year and is likely to increase even further if the Truckee Tahoe Airport District Board of Directors approves the proposed construction of a huge hangar for jets.

The following information is now available through the the Truckee Tahoe Airport District website:

The Truckee Tahoe Airport District is considering a project to build a multi-use facility that would serve both aviation and community needs. Your ideas are critical to this initial planning phase.

Attend Public Workshop on November 5, 2014 from 6–8 p.m. at the Truckee Tahoe Airport
>> Submit a comment on the website
>> Contact TTAD staff to set up a meeting:

Feedback gathered will help the TTAD [Truckee Tahoe Airport District] Board of Directors decide on the scale, scope and budget for the multi-use building and ultimately whether the District decides to move forward with construction.

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